Len was one of those chance encounters that makes a website such as this so valuable and interesting. He was searching around the Web for info on his old squadron – 601 and happened across a photograph of himself! He then duly made contact with us, and proved to be a truly delightful and wonderful gentleman indeed. Len served as a National Service Air Radar mechanic with 601 Squadron. Len kindly sent us some photographs, but my favorite is a bit he wrote in an email to us (hope you don’t mind if I quote you here Len!):
“Dicke Smerdon took me up in Seven for my first Meatbox flight. Desmond Norman did his best to frighten me to death on my second trip and George Farley was very kind to a young erk telling me all about aerobatic practice, while practicing. I’m still proud they didn’t make me puke into the mask.”

Chalk emblem – T’Kali, 1954

‘A’ flown by J.H. Bryant just after it crashed on the main runway at T’Kali in Malta

Program for the Standard presentation

Invitation ticket for the Standard presentation

King’s Head – 1954

King’s Head – Erks

King’s Head – Mixed Company