The following is taken from the South African Military History Society publication and was written by my very good friend Squadron Leader Doug Tidy.
Charles Patrick Green was born at Pietermaritzburg, Natal, on 30th March, 1914. After graduating at Cambridge at the end of 1935 he decided to spend a year travelling in the United States of America. After seeing the film “China Clipper” he and Billy Fiske(1) who accompanied him to the cinema decided to take up flying. They lost no time and the next morning commenced flying lessons in an old Fleet biplane trainer (Registration NC792V).
Paddy (as he was later universally addressed in the Service) joined the Royal Auxiliary Air Force in 1936. He was posted to No.601 (County of London) Squadron(2) on 28th February, 1937 and on that day had his first flight with Roger Bushell(3) in a Hawker Hart (K2970). Thereafter he flew the Hart and the Avro Tutor. His first solo was in a two-seater Hart variant, the Demon (K5716). He qualified as a day pilot in the Hawker Hart and as a night pilot in the Hawker Demon and was awarded his flying badge with effect from 19th September, 1937. On detachment to No.79 Squadron he flew a Gloster Gauntlet II
biplane fighter (K7799). When No.601 Squadron went on to Gauntlets in November, 1938 he again flew this type. In March, 1939, he went on to a twin-engined Airspeed Oxford in preparation for conversion to Blenheims. His first duals therein were flown with Flight Lieutenant John Peel. He went solo with the Blenheim on 19th March, 1939, flying L6617. In April, his Flight Commander Roger Bushell, allotted him L6618, coded UF M, to share with Guy Branch, and at the end of April, Paddy had 300 hours flying to his name.
With the war imminent the Squadron was mobilised on 23rd August, 1939, and Paddy flew a Gloster Gladiator biplane fighter for the first time (coded RR R belonging to No.615 Squadron). He was one of the first to be fired upon (by our own antiaircraft guns) after war was declared on 3rd September, but by no means the last, as we were to learn to our cost in the following six years. He was not hit, and recorded in his log book against 6th September: “Only result of raid: two Spitfires scored two Hurricanes.” This was a reference to the notorious ‘Battle of Barking Creek’ which came about as follows. There was no IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) device fixed to our aircraft at that stage, and the operations staff had sent No.74 Squadron’s Spitfires to intercept an ‘enemy formation’ which, in fact, was not enemy at all, but the Hurricanes of No.56 Squadron, two of which were shot down. One pilot was killed, but the other (FlightLieutenant Tommy Rose) hitchhiked back in the early morning in his pyjamas in which he had been flying.
On 20th October, 1939, Paddy Green, then a Flying Officer, was posted as a Flight Lieutenant to command ‘A’ Flight of No.92 Squadron which was forming at Tangmere with Roger Bushell (then a Squadron Leader) as Commanding Officer. On the 25th he flew Paddy in Fairey Battle N2105, and the next type Paddy flew was the Hawker Hind (L7204). He then went back to flying Blenheims from Tangmere, Croydon and Gatwick until February, 1940, by which time he had 450 flying hours and went on to Harvards and Miles Masters for air experience, receiving instruction on a Spitfire jacked up in the hangar. He flew his first solo on a Spitfire Mk. I (P9368) from Northolt on 8th March, 1940, and
continued to fly this type until 23rd May when the Squadron moved to Hornchurch. That day he flew on an offensive patrol DunkirkBoulogne, in GR G, which was the first engagement with the enemy for No.92 Squadron, and although he got a probable and a damaged (both Messerschmitt Me 109s), Pat Learmond was lost, later reported killed, from his Flight. At 1.45 the Squadron took off on another patrol over the same area with a reserve pilot in Pat’s place.
Paddy damaged a Messerschmitt Me 110 twin engined fighter, but Sergeant Klipsch was killed, and Roger Bushell and Flying Officer John Gillies were shot down and taken prisoner. Paddy was badly wounded by the case of an armour piercing bullet which lodged in his thigh. He flew back in a daze, faint from loss of blood, with his thumb stuck in the hole pressing on the severed arteries and the oxygen turned full up to stop him fainting. Few men could have recovered as quickly as Paddy, but even so, he only just made it back to Hawkinge, where the Medical Officer was confident that he could save the leg, but forecast a long spell in hospital.
The Medical Officer was right, for there followed long periods in hospitals at Shorncliffe, Dutton Homestall, and Roehampton, which was followed by a period of sick leave. It was 10th October, 1940, before Paddy flew to Biggin Hill to form and command No.421 (Reconnaissance) Flight at Gravesend. This Flight was formed from No.66 Squadron for the specific task of carrying out patrols to intercept any aircraft coming in over the coast. These operations were given the name ‘Jim Crows’.
On 11th October, Paddy flew a Hurricane, and the next day was again wounded while flying a Spitfire (one of the first Mark. IIs in 11 Group). He fought to escape from the cockpit all the way down from 18 000 feet to 1 000 when he eventually made it out of the sorely stricken aeroplane. His wounds were not so severe this time so he was flying again by 1st November, 1940. On 15th the Flight moved to Hawkinge from West Mailing where it had been since 30th October. The Battle of Britain was over and
On 25th November, 1940, Paddy Green destroyed a twin-engined Dornier DO 17 and The Times newspaper reported: “A Spitfire pilot, flying at 5 000 feet first saw the raider 7 000 feet above him when 15 miles off Dover. He climbed to attack and fired two short bursts from below and astern at 350 yards range. Breaking away he climbed again and dived on the enemy. Pieces fell from the Dornier, and the RAF pilot saw the enemy machine losing height.” The kill was confirmed by the Royal Navy as having fallen into the sea off Cap Gris Nez.
On 5th December Paddy got another probable, this time a Me 109, and received congratulations from Air Vice Marshal Keith Park on the performance of the Flight, as follows: “Group Commander congratulates No.421 Flight on their successful combats December 5th and has recommended immediate expansion of Flight to enable small offensive patrols. Meanwhile reconnaissance reports of ‘Jim Crow’ are of vital importance to many Squadrons in the Group and must not be relegated to secondary role.” This was one of his last signals before handing over command of 11 Group, and on 17th December he sent the following message: “In handing over Command of No. 11 Fighter Group, I wish to express sincere appreciation for the loyal support of all ranks of Fighter Squadrons, Sector Stations and forward Aerodromes during the past eight months hard fighting.
“The Squadrons operating under the control of No. 11 Fighter Group have soundly beaten the enemy, the German Air Force*, in the spring, summer, and finally autumn of 1940. The following enemy aircraft have been accounted for in combat against heavy odds:
Destroyed: 2 424; probably destroyed, and damaged: 2161; total 4585.
The outstanding successes were due to the courage and skill of our Fighter Pilots who have been so ably supported by the operational and ground staffs at all the aerodromes in spite of casualties and some damage caused by the enemy bombing attacks by day.
“The German Air Force may again launch heavy attacks by day against England in 1941, and I feel confident that the units of 11 Group will again defeat the enemy bombers and fighters, however numerous.
“I am proud to have commanded No.11 Fighter Group throughout the heavy fighting of 1940, and wish all ranks good luck in 1941.”
On 27th December, 1940, Paddy Green and Flight Lieutenant Billy Drake (who retired as a Group Captain in 1963) got a German aircraft claimed as a Dornier DO 215. It is possible that it was a Dornier 17, as only 101 Dornier 215s were built between 1939 and early 1940 and saw limited service in the reconnaissance role. Having an inline engine it was distinct from the radial engined DO 17 but in the heat of battle it is possible that some of the DO 17s shot down were described as Do 215s, but nobody will ever know with certainty.
On 11th January, 1941, No.421 Flight became No.91 Squadron with Paddy Green as Squadron Leader Commanding. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) on 3rd April, 1941 after three months of intensive flying, mostly from Hawifinge, and with some from Biggin Hill. On 16th June he was posted to Headquarters Fighter Command as a Staff Officer and flew a Hurricane IIc (Serial Z2487) all over 10 Group (in which I was serving at the time) and 12, 13 and 14 Groups as well. He flew his first Bristol Beaufighter with Wing Commander John Cunningham of No.604 Squadron on 29th August, 1941. Paddy was to have great success in this type and on 13th September he flew it with his former colleague, Max Aitken, from 601, and went solo later in the day. He continued to fly Hurricanes and flew a Heinkel He 111 bomber for the film “First of the Few” in October 1941. By strange coincidence, Paddy lives a few miles from another resident of Johannesburg, Squadron Leader Ron Jones, DFC, who also flew this aeroplane in Britain during his service with the AFDU (Air Fighting Development Unit) during the war.
On 13th October, 1941, Paddy was attached to No.54 OTU (Operational Training Unit) at Church Fenton, where he flew Oxfords and Blenheims, returning to the Auxiliary Air Force when he was posted to No.600 Squadron on 14th November, 1941, to command A Flight, at Predannack in Cornwall. The squadron had Beaufighter Ils (which Paddy describes as the most dangerous aircraft ever). Until December 1941, when he punctured an eardrum, Paddy flew regularly in the west of England.
Early in 1942 he went to No. 1 BAS (Blind Approach School) at Watchfield for a course, returning to fly Beaufighters with No.600 Squadron from 11th February to 2nd June when he was posted as a Wing Commander to command No. 125 (Newfoundland) Squadron at Fairwood Common (with detachments at Sumburgh and Peterhead). By September he had notched up 1 000 flying hours, some going for a fighter pilot in those days. On Christmas Eve 1942 he flew from Hendon to Maison Blanche in Algiers via Portreath and Gibraltar in a Dakota and a Boeing B17 Flying Fortress, to command No.600 Squadron again with effect from 10th December, 1942. Once again on Beaufighters Paddy continued to fly with his usual Navigator/Radio, the former Sergeant Gillies who had been commissioned in July 1942 as a Pilot Officer. They nearly always flew on TB F (Serial V8672) at this time (a Mk. VIF) and (2)n April, 1943 Gillies was promoted to Flying Officer, while on 30th Flight Sergeant ‘Ace’ Downing shot down five Junkers Ju 52/3m transport aircraft on the dawn patrol. Paddy’s score remained at two destroyed, two probables and two damaged until 5th May, when he damaged a Junkers Ju 88 on the dawn patrol. Again on dawn patrol, on the 6th, off Cap Bon, he was, as he put it, “Shot at by a destroyer, and up by light flak
at Bon Ficha. My beloved F was hit and I landed in formation with no flaps or ASI.” (Air Speed IndicatorEditor). He had flown 80 times on F and it was a wrench to leave the aeroplane at Setif and return in X, but on 12th he got a new F (V8700) which he found “not bad”, but with “many minor faults”. He must have ironed these out to some purpose for he flew this aeroplane 153 times, with great success
as we shall see.
On 9th July he flew Lt. Gen. (later Field Marshal Lord) Montgomery and General ‘Boy’ Browning to inspect the 1st Airborne Division. With the Sicily invasion starting on 10th, Paddy was again in action to some purpose, destroying a Ju 88 and a He 111 on 12th July, 1943. The Squadron score for the night was six and the Sector’s 11 and one damaged. John Tumbull got three and Robbie Roberts another. (Turnbull’s navigator was C. F. J. Turner). Paddy’s score at the end of the month was nine destroyed, two probables and four damaged. He was admitted to the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) on 29th.
On 11th August he got another Ju 88 and on 6th and 7th August he had flown his old beloved F (V8672) now coded P, with Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham as a passenger. On 9th September Paddy got a probable He 111, blaming his shooting for not having made it a confirmed. On 23rd he made his first landing on the Axis mainland at Salerno in Hurricane lie Hk356.
On 25th January, 1944, he got a Ju 88 and on 6th March was posted to command No.1 MORU (Mobile Operations Room Unit) with the rank of Group Captain, flying Spitfires, Piper Cubs, Hurricanes, Fairchilds, Austems, Beaufighters and Kittyhawks.
On 8th July, 1944, Paddy received the American Distinguished Flying Cross from General Cannon of the USAAF, a fitting award for a pilot who had learned to fly in the U.S.A. with an American fellow member of 601. He also received the Russian decoration, the Order of Patriotic War, Class I. On 5th November, 1944, Paddy was posted to command No. 232 Wing, flying Spitfires, Fairchilds (including FZ740), Boston Vs (including BZ6Ol and BZ594), C47s, Mosquitoes, Sea Otters, Proctors, Ansons, Oxfords and a Warwick, his last logged service flight being made on 12th August, 1946. Although he certainly flew Meteors might up to the time he left the Service on 16th December, 1947, his last two years had been
spent with the CFE (Central Fighter Establishment).
He returned to South Africa at the close of his Air Force career, having flown over 1 800 hours on 50 different types of aircraft during his 10 years service, had 11 confirmed, three probables and four damaged to his credit; truly a great record of service.

Camp at Lympne – 1939

Tom Hubbard and Paddy green at Biggin Hill in 1939. To add to the humor of this photograph, they are riding in an ‘armoured car’ having a frame mostly constructed of wood which was made for airfield defense.

1938 at Hendon. Left to right: Jack Riddle, Michael Peacock, Paddy Green, Tom Foley, Gordon ‘Mouse’ Cleaver, Max Aitken, Roger Bushell, John Peel, Brian Thynne and Tom Hubbard.

Of all the photos we have collected, this is one of the favorites. Paddy in 1939, most likely at the annual camp at Lympne.