The following is taken from the website Spitfire Pilots and Aircraft Database:
Billy Wright PROCTOR
Service No: J24138
PROCTOR, F/L Billy Wright (J24138) – Distinguished Flying Cross – No.601 Squadron – Award effective 11 August 1945 as per London Gazette dated 21 August 1945 and AFRO 1507/45 dated 28 September 1945.
Born 1921 at Caledon East, Ontario; home there (student); enlisted Toronto 28 January 1942. Trained at No.1 ITS (graduated 29 August 1942), No.9 EFTS (graduated 7 November 1942) and No.6 SFTS (graduated 5 March 1943). Commissioned May 1943.
Flight Lieutenant Proctor has completed numerous operational sorties. On many occasions his aircraft has been damaged by anti-aircraft fire, but despite all hazards he has maintained consistent accuracy and determination in his bombing. He has shown unfailing courage and devotion to duty, which have contributed in no small measure to the successes achieved by his squadron.